
I had a lot of fun performing this today. I think that this piece, which was a re performance of a piece that was apart of the chant acapella film/group, is both humorous and intent in its deeper meaning. To me, this is a piece that is making fun of the gluttony of our country -- excessively stuffing our faces at the expense of others politically and socially. I think that the use of French fries and French lyrics is not coincidental, the words in french are: "elle aime les frita margarita margarita elle lui norrit des fritz margarita," which translates to "she loves frita margarita margarita she feeds him frita margarita." Almost force feeding one another until the lyrics are so muddled one can't distinguish them anymore. Its excess in many ways. I am curious to read more about this group and this performance to continue to develop a better understanding of the original message of the piece.


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