Hairless Gaze

I liked performing this piece live more than recording it. I felt that this piece didn't have the same energy or impact as a video as it did in a space in which I was able to look directly at the audience. During the comments after the live performance, some people talked about art historical context and mentioned the piece Susanna and The Elders by Tintoretto. I really liked this idea of incorporating art history into my pice. To do this I used a mirror in my final piece to convey this feeling of being watched and criticized for being vain, shaving my leg over and over trying to achieve perfection, but also adhering to social norms. This is an event usually executed in private, its mundane but also apart of an everyday routine for many women, and something that is expected but not discussed often. I think that this Gaze is an interesting concept, the elders peeking from behind the mirror as to not be seen. But I decided to take this power back, by looking back in the mirror at the gazer.


  1. Ylana -- this video is quite interesting. You are getting somewhere. I agree though that for you - this performance is more effective live. However -- if you re-did this piece again -- and set it up as close to the original painting as possible -- being nude, also or almost -- and having the mirror be in front of your actions -- and without the stairway railing blocking our view -- it would be more effective. What I like is that WE are the elders. The slowness is very key to this work and the sound of the water... excellent.


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